Current Tenants
We have the BEST tenants, hands down! This resouce page is design with you in mind. All forms, links, and frequently asked questions are listed below.
How do I get in contact with you?
Our office number is 251-660-1177. If you need to reach out to us via e-mail please sent to cschuhmann@bhhscooper.com. Cindy can be reached by voice or text at 251-232-6310 or Jay can be reached at 251-344-5925.
You can also fill out our online contact form and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
We have a problem in the house that needs to get fixed. What do we do?
All maintenance requests must be submitted in writing. We do not accept maintenance request via phone or text. You may submit maintenance requests in writing at the rental office or by e-mail to cschuhmann@bhhscooper.com. Please include a complete description of the problem. Be sure to include your name, complete address and a phone number of contact. The vendor will call you directly for an appointment. If you have not received a contact within two days it is your responsibility to let us know.
Where do we send our maintenance requests?
You may submit maintenance requests in writing at the rental office or by e-mail to cschuhmann@bhhscooper.com. Please include a complete description of the problem. Be sure to include your name, complete address and a phone number for contact. The vendor will call you directly for an appointment. If you have not received a contact within two days it is your responsibility to let us know.
We want to give our notice to leave. Where do we send it?
If your lease is in a month-to-month status, notice must be given in writing for the first of a month, at least 30 days out. Example: If you are month-to-month and give notice on March 15, you would not be giving notice for April 15, but for May 1. Notice must be given in writing, either emailed to cschuhmann@bhhscooper.com or by written note deliver to the office. If your lease is NOT in a month-to-month status, there is no early exit provision in the lease.
I submitted a maintenance request, but I have heard from anyone. What do I do?
Timely response to your maintenance request is important to us. We require that our vendors contact you within 48 hours once a request has been submitted (24 hours for an emergency repair). If you are not contacted in this time frame it is your responsibility to let us know. Do not wait! Let us know right away if you are not contacted within this time frame.
It looks like I'm not going to be able to pay my rent on time this month. What should I do?
Late rent is a violation of the lease. You MUST pay your rent on time! Failure to pay your rent in a timely manner can lead to termination of the lease and eviction from the property. If you have difficulties the best thing to do is contact us to see what options the owner will allow.
When I made an application I didn't have a pet, but now I want one. What should I do?
Contact us with a written request. This decision is made by the owner of the property. The owner may or may not grant consent.
I want to have another roommate or someone else come live with me. What should I do?
All occupants of the property must be disclosed and approved by the owner. If you decide to add the occupant, you must submit the request in writing. You must include their name, birth date, social security number and relationship to you, the tenant.
My lease is up and we are moving. What do we do from here?
We request that you let us know 30 days our if you intend to move at the end of your lease. Once that notice is received, our office will send the Move Out Procedures. You can also find this form on the website. You must fulfill the terms of the lease, give property notice, have all carpets professionally cleaned, remove all personal belongings/trash/debris from the property and return the keys to the office.
My lease is up and we want to stay. What do we do from here?
Your lease never expires! At the end of the initial period it automatically renews itself as a month-to-month lease with a 30 day notice requirement. If you wish to stay month-to-month, no action is required. If you wish to extend, we can extend for any period of time as long as both parties agree. Extending is simple: we simply mail you an extension form to sign and return. Sometimes, however, an owner may not want to stay month-to-month and will seek an extension. We will work with both parties to reach an agreeable resolution.